top of page reviews The Zipper Club!

Another sterling review for The Zipper Club, this one coming in from Stash My Comics!


Floating amongst the sharks of comic industry and creator drama exists a courageous little dolphin: The Zipper Club. Born from the personal experiences of writer Len N. Wallace and drawn by the skilled (and perfect for this book) Brenda Lopez is a tale that mixes just the right amount of funny with the serious business of living with a heart defect(s).


Part of what makes this review so special to us is the fact that our reviewer, Chip Reece, has a personal connection to the message of The Zipper Club, whose son Ollie was born with Down's Syndrome and two seperate heart conditions. Inspired by his son's fighting spirit, Chip, with the help of artist Kelly Williams have created a comic book called Metaphase, which follows the adventures of another boy named Ollie, born with Down's Syndrome, who discovers he has powers just like his super heroic dad.

If you're a Zipsketeer, we encourage you to check out your own copy of Metaphase on Amazon. It makes a great reading companion to The Zipper Club series, and we've had brief discussions with Chip about a possible Zipper Club/Metaphase cross-over at some point!

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